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Animal Communication

Writer: Susanne AicheleSusanne Aichele

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

It can fundamentally change your life and your pet’s life!

When I tell people I do animal communication, they often tell me that they know what their animals want. When my dog stares at the door, I know he wants or needs to go out. This is the level of animal communication that most people are familiar with. But what if there is so much more to animals than meets the eye?

For most people, communicating with their pet is like trying to talk to their best friend with their hands tied behind their back and their mouth covered in duct tape—not very productive.

Although your animal friend could at least answer yes or no questions, she certainly can’t describe a symptom to a doctor. This is where an animal communicator comes in handy.

One client hired me to communicate with her cat before the cat got spayed. As a result, the whole situation was very relaxed, as the cat understood what was about to happen. She was calm like a cucumber on her first car ride and at the vet clinic. The recovery was also very smooth.

Animal communication can be helpful to let your pets know that you are not abandoning them but are just going to work or going on vacation. This can be especially important for rescues, with abandonment issues, and for Covid pets that were never left alone for more than a brief time, if at all. We have to remember that most of our pets are pack animals and that, for them, safety lies in numbers.

I sometimes have people who are trying to decide if it is time to put down their pets. One dog had been in the vet clinic for a week, unable to stand up. Her owner booked a 45-minute session with me, and right after the session, the animal stood up for the first time.

Her owner was well-meaning and left the dog with a sick friend, but the dog literally couldn’t stand being in that situation. Once the owner understood and agreed to take the dog back, her dog stood up. The vets kept her for observation overnight and she walked out of the vet clinic the next day.

While the vets were unable to help the animal, in that case, vets are an important part of a pet’s health care. Animal communication can support their work, especially when the pet’s environment is causing the issue.

Learning to communicate with animals opened me up to higher wisdom. When I hit a tough spot in my life, I sit down and channel, which gives me access to higher intelligence in order to solve a problem or find the next step.

My love for animals opened up that avenue. Learning animal communication is like learning to speak the language of the universe.

Animals offer so much to us—from the dogs that brought the serum to Nome, in 1925, to service animals, guide dogs, dogs that sniff out disease, and so much more.

Anyone can learn animal communication, and it is certainly easier than learning another human language. But it requires something that most people struggle with: trusting their intuition.

Animals communicate mostly visually, and this is the easiest way to communicate with them. The tricky part is that we need to have unwavering clarity in what we want. A picture is worth a thousand words, but a blurry picture is worth nothing.

I teach people how to recall their dogs by telepathically sending pictures to them so that their people don’t have to yell at them when they are on a walk. Sometimes we just want to see them and know that they are around and not up to some mischief.

When people tell me that they’ve tried animal communication and it didn’t work, the problem was often that they were trying to get their pets to do something. Animal communication is not about telling animals what to do; it is about opening up an avenue for conversation on a new level. You might ask for their cooperation while respecting their autonomy. At the same time, you still need to provide leadership.

In my experience, animal communication is when our soul is connecting with the soul of the animal. It works for animals that are alive, as well as for those that have passed.

Animals that are alive have needs, according to their species, and leadership is one of them and is non-negotiable. More on that in a later article.

The personality of the animal comes through in communication, to a certain degree. I had one cat who sounded like Robert DeNiro in the movie Taxi Driver : You talking to me? You never know what you will get, but the messages are always loving and more than what we expect.

When Covid hit and I couldn’t do in-person sessions for training dogs and for hands-on healing, I started with Zoom sessions. I haven’t looked back since. The information was more profound and the healings were so much deeper and on a soul level, which blew my mind.

Remote sessions enable me to now serve animals around the globe. All I need is a picture of the animals and their name … and the magic of animal communication begins.



Disclaimer: Services offered do not replace medical or veterinary care but complement them nicely

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