Many of you are empaths that deeply care about other people. Sometimes you might care more about them than yourself, but that might be detrimental to your health. When I started teaching Energy Healing/Reiki, I realized that people would rather take care of others than themselves. The Reiki attunements are designed to heal our bodies, minds, and emotions before we help others. Yes, just like putting on the oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on someone else.
When we allow healing energy to flow, for most of us it's like running water through rusty pipes. Then over time the water gets clear, and this is when we can share. Today I don't teach how to offer healings to others when I initiate people into Healing Energy/Reiki. It takes 21 days for the Level 1 attunement to work its magic in the person or animal. Yes, I do initiate animals as well. After the 21 days, I offer the Level 2 attunement, which does mental and emotional healing.
I would say one of my biggest challenges in life is self-care. I am sure I don't have to tell you all the little and big ways that we can neglect ourselves. The trick is not to go down the rabbit hole too far. It feels good to help others. As women, we are raised to take care of others or see it in the female role models that we have. I also saw what it did to my ancestors, so I worked in male-dominated fields, but my calling still found its way to me.
When I healed animals on the farm that I grew up on, I didn't have any support or guidance that told me that this was my calling. The good thing about callings is that they just keep calling you, and it's hard to ignore. It might not be easy to follow your calling, and everyone around you might tell you to just do what is deemed sensible, but life asks you to listen.
I wonder if people told Jesus to keep being a carpenter. Would they say keep being a carpenter; it has benefits and a steady pay? This wandering around is unstable. What if you get robbed? Maybe they even put you on the cross. He kept following his calling, and the world is a better place for it. I am not a religious person. I don't follow a guru, but I might consider using a technique that a guru created.
Gandhi said, "My life is my message." He lived a life following what he knew to be right. He didn't set a course and stay on it. He kept checking in: Is this still true for me? This is what we need to do. In German there is a saying that translates to "What does my stupid talk from yesterday have to do with me?"
We learn and we expand; if we are lucky, otherwise we are stagnant and slowly die.
If we want to help our families and friends, we need to align with our North Star. Children that grow up with people that are grounded and stay on their course are more likely to grow up following their dreams and become who they are meant to be. They might get off course, but they will look at you and see how to navigate through life.
To stay your course is not being rigid, but it's to keep asking if that is where you need to go. Does this feel right? Is it a hell yes? When I do Psychic Readings for people, it's not by telling them what to do. The guidance is about being in your power. Staying on your course and reading the signs. just like the sailor used to learn to read the stars.
What I see for you is to be an oak tree that is solid, roots in the ground. It offers its unique microclimate filled with love that the chickadee can nest in, but it doesn't tell it what to do. When the bird leaves the nest, it is allowed to come back without being interrogated about where it was or why it didn't call. The tree welcomes it into its protective field, even decades later.